Realcareworld blog

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Managing Stress

Managing Stress

managing stress
Managing stress

Stress is an inevitable part of our life, how we react to it has a bearing on how significantly it affect our bodies. Stress causes physical changes.
  • Increase heart rate
  • Increase blood pressure
  • Quicker breathing
Stress causes blood to be sent away from our gut to the big muscles in the arms and legs and blood gets ready to clot in case we start to bleed. Continuing stress can lead to health problem, causing distress to your own well-being which also impacts on those around you.

In the golden age when we lived in caves hunting and gathering, this responses help to protect us. But today if we become stress the same response occurs and long term stress is not beneficial. In order to manage stress we need to learn how our body react to it.

  •  Identify what causing it
  • Take steps to deal with the causes
  • Talk with your doctor if stressful symptoms last for more than a few week as depression and anxiety may be developing

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Social Care

Watch David share his own experience of social care

David talks about his health, and why he now relies on social care to meet his day-to-day needs. He's struggling to pay for this vital care. He's struggling to pay for this vital care, and so is supporting Age UK's Care in Crisis campaign, which is calling on the Government to reform the care system - please sign our petition at - source 

David want to receive high quality social care and support 

Monday, 11 March 2013

Understanding Home Health Care

home health care
Home health care can be one way to really help adult stay independently and help keep them out of the hospital. They don't have to be there.

What is Home Health Care?

Home health care is having a healthcare professional come to your home, usually two to three times a day for a short amount of time to help you with different activities that you might need and different skill set.

It usually a team approach, so it a nurse that comes and serve as you case manager and then co-ordinate care with your primary care doctor, and that nurse can bring in other career to help you take care of yourself as well.

The goal of this is to keep an older adult as independent as possible, comfortable and settled in.It is also really about education. The nurse and her team is really there to help teach you how to take of yourself and help teach family how to help take care of you, they are there to do things for you for a while but also to empower you on how to take better care of yourself.

Realcareworld  provide home care service and treatment for patient in the comfort of there own homes.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mental Health illness- Providing the best health care for love ones

Mental health -disorder
Mental health- disorder 

One in four of us will have some kind of mental health difficulties in our lives, but yet it’s still a forbidden subject, it is essential to make a sure you keep your emotional health, as well as our physical health in check.
Most people tend to manage their physical health far better than their emotional issue leaving our internal issues to causes us real harm, these internal issues could leave you feeling.

  • Suicidal-  suicidal feeling in children and young
  • nervous breakdown
  •    Phobia-  struggle with phobia,   
  •    Self-harm-  have the urge to self-harm yourself  in other to deal with you emotion

Getting the support health that you need

For individuals suffering from mental illness deciding whether to tell someone what is go on in their life and with whom to share this with can be a huge dilemma. Undergoing the symptoms of a severe mental health problem is challenging and confusing enough, but there is also the realization that your experience of life is different from those around you.
It’s natural to feel anxious about whether those around you can understand what is going on and how they will react. Our supported workers and RMN are thoroughly competent in supporting people with mental health difficulties; we provide effective social care and health support services to people with mental health issues living in their own environment, at the hospital and rehabilitation units.