Realcareworld blog

Friday, 23 August 2013

Guidance for the care of elderly people

elderly care
Nursing elderly people is a specialism that requires highly skilled nurses who can deal with the complexity of health and social needs that older people can present you with. As the older population increases so too does the need for greater understanding of the specific needs for the elderly people.

Ensuring quality of life and well-being during old age is vital and includes addressing issues around ill health and frailty. There is no doubt that providing the fundamentals of care in a skilled and caring way can make a huge difference to the outcomes and quality of life for elderly people in your care.

The essence of nursing care for the older people is about getting to know and value people as individuals through effective assessment, finding out how they want to be cared for from their perspective, and providing care which ensure that respect, dignity and fairness are maintained.

The aim of this guidance is to encourage nurses to develop a positive attitude towards elderly people , and embrace positive feelings of respect and an understanding that elderly people are important members of society. the majority of whom have the potential to participate actively and be in control of their own lives.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Understanding Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's Disease

We care for older people and adult with conditions such as Alzheimer's, Dementia, Stroke, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis,Physical disabilities , Learning Disabilities, Reablement needs following hospitalisation, Respite care and end of life care.