Realcareworld blog

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Dementia Friendly Environment

As the number of people are diagnosed with dementia increases, it is essential that people receive continued supported to live independently in the comfort of their own homes. In future years, care homes places are likely to be inadequate in coping with the ageing populations so we will need to find alternatives.

Whether you work for a home care service or support a member of your family, it is important to understand the impact the environment can have on a person's wellbeing as it can often help you to understand a person's behavior and you can make changes to compensate.

When a person has dementia, they additional problems relating to memory loss and confusion. There are emotional changes too, such as agitation and depression. Although there is no cure for old age or dementia, there are changes that we can make to improve homes and provide safe and comfortable surrounding that will support independent living and quality of life.

There are some changes that could be made when considering either a house move or refurbishing an existing home, which could make it easier for someone with dementia to maintain their independence and confidence for longer- not only giving the person with dementia a better quality of life but having a positive effect on their families, friends and carers.

Karen Clayton